Is Unique IP Address Important For SEO -While trying to attract new customers, many SEO web hosts talk about a unique IP address. They say that it’s crucial to put your website on a unique IP address.
This is a generic statement, and it’s used by countless SEO hosts. Put simply, the way that these web hosts try to sell their services to new customers is a bit deceptive. There is no doubt that a unique IP address is useful but not in the way that SEO web hosts advertise it to be.
The major search engines use algorithms, and it’s easy to think of these algorithms as robots. They’re really just software programs that constantly crawl through the Internet while indexing new pages. The algorithms that search engines use looks for distinct patterns, and it’s these patterns that are used to decide where a website should rank in the search engine results.
There is no doubt that search engines look at the IP address a website is hosted on. The most well-known search engine of them all actually got a patent for the technology that looks at the IP address that a website is hosted on, which is why there is no doubt that a unique IP address can be useful.
While scouring the web and looking for patterns, search engines look for websites that have malware, and they also look at websites that are known for sending out spam.
Although it’s quite rare, search engines have actually blocked entire IP blocks from their index because of the activity of the websites hosted on those IP blocks. The IP blocks that contain these shady websites are called bad neighborhoods. However, as mentioned earlier, the search engines rarely block an entire IP block, but it does happen.